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Majority Rule, Minority Rights

Majority Rule, Minority Rights: Resources


Essential Principles and History

The Avalon Project: Documents in Law, History, and Diplomacy (2008). New Haven: Yale Law School. Contains descriptions of and links to relevant documents, including:

European Court of Human Rights (home page).

Human Rights Web, "A Summary of United Nations Agreements on Human Rights" (1997). Includes descriptions and links to relevant documents, such as:

Other Resources

Bouie, Jamelle   
The Enlightenment’s Dark Side,” Slate, June 5, 2018.

Coates, Ta-Nehisi   
The Slave Society Defined,” The Atlantic, September 11, 2011.

Foner, Eric   
A Regional Reign of Terror,” The New York Review of Books, April 6, 2023.

King Jr., Martin Luther.

Lewis, John, with Aydin, Andrew and Powell, Nate

Mill, John Stuart, On Liberty (essay available online at Project Guttenberg).

Robert's Rules of Order Revised, 1915 (summary version).

U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum (home page).


Economist magazine: Topics: Netherlands.

The New York Times: Times Topics: Netherlands.

Freedom in the World 2024 Netherlands Country Report.

Other Resources

Dutch Review 
Zwarte Piet: The Full Guide to the Netherlands’ Most Controversial Tradition (November 22, 2022).

Frank, Anne. 
The Diary of a Young Girl (available in several editions). See also Anne Frank Museum web site.

Kramer, Jane. 
"The Dutch Model: Multiculturalism and Muslim Immigrants.” The New Yorker, April 3, 2006.

Social and Cultural Planning Office of the Netherlands. Ethnic Minorities and Integration: Outlook for the Future, The Hague: 2004.

U.S. Dept. of State Human Rights Country Reports (go to current year Country Reports on Human Rights Practices and scroll down to Europe and Eurasia/Netherlands).


Economist magazine: Topics: Turkey.

The New York Times: World: Times Topics: Turkey. See, e.g.:

Freedom in the World 2024 Turkey Country Report.

Human Rights Watch: 2024 Turkey Country Report.

Other Resources

Turkey Resurrects Deadly Article 301 Against Dissent,” (Oct. 24, 2019)

Amnesty International: Turkey.

OSCE Election Observation Mission: 2023 Turkey Presidential Elections.

U.S. Dept. of State Human Rights Country Reports (go to current year Country Reports on Human Rights Practices and scroll down to Europe and Eurasia/Turkey).


Economist magazine: Topics: Sudan.

The New York Times: World: Times Topics: Sudan. See, e.g.:

Freedom in the World 2024 Sudan Country Report.

Human Rights Watch 2024 Sudan Country Report.

Other Resources

Dabanga (an independent news site) 
Charter for the Forces of Freedom and Change Signed in Capital,” Oct. 2021.

Foreign Policy 
Sudan’s Failed Democracy is a Disaster for Women,” August 4, 2023.

The New Dawn Charter, January 2013.

New York Review of Books. "Genocide in Slow Motion" by Nicholas D. Kristof. February 9, 2006.

Sudanese Transparency and Policy Tracker 
Sudanese Civil Society Declaration of Principles, July 23, 2023

U.S. Dept. of State Human Rights Country Reports (go to current year Country Reports on Human Rights Practices and scroll down to Africa/Sudan).

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