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Freedom of Expression

Freedom of Expression: Resources


Essential Principles and History

American Federation of Teachers.

Cornell University Law School Legal Information Institute.
Supreme Court Collection: Freedom of Speech” for cases cited in History.


Economist magazine. On Cartoon Wars, see, e.g.:

The New York Times

Blasi, Vincent.
John Milton’s Areopagitica and the First Amendment,” 1996.

Cole, David

French, David.
Colleges Have Gone Off the Deep End,” New York Times, April 28, 2024.

Havel, Vaclav. “The Power of the Powerless,” 1979.

Koven, Ronald. “The Meddler’s Itch,” Uncaptive Minds, no. 23, 1993.

Livio, Mario. “When Galileo Stood Trial for Defending Science,” Dec. 20, 2020.

Milton, John. “Areopagitica: A Speech for the Liberty of Unlicensed Printing to the Parliament of England.” (E-text at Online Library of Liberty.)

National Geographic
Ancient Cave Drawings, Early Human Language Linked,” Feb. 21, 2018.

The New York Times Magazine
The Battle Over Free Speech Will Outlive the Encampments,” by Emilie Bazelon and Charles Homan, May 29, 2024.

Rushdie, Salman (video message and articles on).

University of Chicago. Free Expression home Page. The Chicago Principles.

Zimmer, Thomas.
The Free Speech Crisis is Not a Crisis,” March 13, 2023.

Web Site Resources: Free Expression Organizations

Article XIX (home page).

Committee to Protect Journalists.

Freedom House (home page).
See: Freedom on the Net Report: 2023

International Freedom of Expression Exchange.

PEN America (home page).
See: “America’s Censored Classrooms 2023.”

Reporters Without Borders.

The Netherlands

The New York Times: Netherlands. See, e.g.,
He Made a Magazine While Hiding from the Nazis,” Dec. 18, 2023.

Freedom in the World 2024 Netherlands Country Report.

Freedom of the Net Report: 2023: Netherlands.

Other Resources

A Comprehensive Guide to the Dutch Media Landscape,” Meltwater, Jan. 2024.

Reporters Without Borders: Netherlands Country Report

Netherlands Passes First Net Neutrality Legislation,” Free Speech Debate web site, July 12, 2012.

The Dutch Revolution in Journalism,” Blendle.

U.S. Department of State Human Rights Country Reports (go to current year Country Reports on Human Rights Practices and scroll down to Europe/Netherlands).


Economist magazine. Uganda.

The New York Times: Times: Uganda. See, e.g.:

Daily Monitor (Home Page)
Bobi Wine Emboldened by Oscar Nod,” (reprint from AFP), Feb. 8, 2024.

Freedom in the World 2024 Uganda Country Report.

Human Rights Watch 2024 World Report: Uganda.

Other Resources

East and Horn of Africa Human Rights Defenders Project: (home page):

Uganda Country Profile.

Media Viability in East Africa: Uganda (2021).

Reporters Without Borders: Uganda (2023)

U.S. Department of State Human Rights Country Reports (go to current year Country Reports on Human Rights Practices and scroll down to Africa/Uganda).

“Bobi Wine: The People’s President,” National Geographic (nominated for an Oscar award for best documentary in 2023).


Economist magazine. Topics Index: China. See, e.g.:

The New York Times: Times Topics: China. See, e.g.:

Freedom House

Human Rights Watch 2024 World Report: China.

U.S. Department of State Human Rights Country Reports (go to current year Country Reports on Human Rights Practices and scroll down to East Asia and Pacific/China).

Selected Articles and Documents

Binyan, Liu.
Living in Truth,” The New York Review of Books, July 17, 1997 (review of Wei Jingsheng’s Courage to Stand Alone: Letters from Prison & Other Writings).

Charter ’08.

Johnson, Ian.
Worse Than You Ever Imagined,” The New York Review of Books, November 22, 2012 (a review of five books on the Great Leap Forward).

Mirsky, Jonathan.
How Reds Smashed Reds,” The New York Review of Books. November 11, 2010 (a review of five books on the Cultural Revolution).

Rogin, Josh.
China Is Getting Away With Cultural Genocide in Tibet,” Washington Post, Nov. 1, 2023.

UN Office of the High Commission for Human Rights (OHCHR)
Experts Alarmed by Separation of 1 Million Tibetan Children,” Feb. 6, 2023.

Wei Jingsheng.
The Fifth Modernization” (1978). East Asia Institute of Columbia University.

Selected Web Sites

Human Rights in China, Amnesty International (web page).

Laogai Museum, and Laogai Research Foundation (Warning: disturbing images are shown).

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