How to Use Democracy Web

Goals and General Content

Democracy Web is a supplemental resource on the principles and practices of democracy to aid in the classroom teaching in American and world history and its related subjects, civics and social studies. It is also offered as a general resource for students and civic, democracy and human rights activists.

Democracy Web is composed of a 12-unit Study Guide and an interactive Map of Freedom in the World. The site’s premise is that teaching students about different political systems will enhance their understanding of democracy and authoritarianism. For this purpose, Democracy Web uses Freedom House’s original 12 broad measures of political rights and civil liberties for its annual Freedom in the World survey. It then analyzes each of the measures — the essential principles of democracy — within three countries according to Freedom House’s basic categorizations of “Free,” “Partly Free” and “Not Free.”

The Study Guide begins with an Introduction by historian and Albert Shanker Institute Board Member Danielle Allen. This offers a basic historical and conceptual context to begin exploring democracy’s essential principles.

The 12 units of the Study Guide are: Consent of the Governed, Free Elections, Constitutional Limits, Majority Rule and Minority Rights, Accountability and Transparency, The Multiparty System, Economic Freedom, Rule of Law, Human Rights and three subcomponents: Freedom of Expression, Freedom of Association and Freedom of Religion.

Each unit begins with two sections: the Essential Principles and History of the unit’s topic, including some focus on how each principle developed in the United States. The three Country Studies explore how these principles are practiced or not practiced in different political systems. These are followed by additional Resources and suggested Study Questions and Activities.

Democracy Web also includes an interactive Map of Freedom in the World . The map is a global representation of Freedom House's annual survey and is color coded to the categories of “Free,” “Partly Free” and “Not Free.” Democracy Web’s map links only to its 36 Country Studies but it also includes a link to Freedom House’s full map of 198 countries and territories.

Democracy Web is based on the premise that teaching students about differences among political systems will enhance their understanding of democracy and authoritarianism. For this purpose, it uses Freedom House’s original 12 measures of political rights and civil liberties for its annual Survey of Freedom in the World and analyzes each of those principles within three countries, one each according to Freedom House’s basic categorizations of “free,” “partly free,” and “not free.”

How to Use Democracy Web

Democracy Web may be used in full or in parts. In full, it offers a complete guide or method for teaching the essential principles of democracy. In single units, it offers a thorough examination of one principle essential to American and world democracy.

The site’s design encourages a comparative studies approach to the study of democracy through the Country Studies of “Free,” “Partly Free,” and “Not Free” countries that are selected for use in each study unit (see below). But each topic is treated globally within the Essential Principle and History sections. 

For example, in Free Elections, the second unit, the Essential Principle section explains underlying concepts, differences between parliamentary and presidential systems, the defining characteristics and norms of free, fair and regular elections and current challenges related to holding free elections around the world. The History section traces elections from ancient times until today, key aspects of their development (e.g., from partial to universal suffrage); the development of democracy over different historical periods and parts of the world (including in the United States); and recent global trends (for example, towards democracy in previous authoritarian states or towards “electoral autocracies” in previously established democracies).

The Study Questions and Activities offer questions in reviewing the principles and history sections and activities and topics for additional classroom discussion or student assignments. These are suggestions. Teachers are encouraged to develop their own as well as to design specific classroom curriculum units that correspond to their specific needs. Resources provides links to specific references in the text and also to additional articles and other resources for additional research and exploration of the topic.

How to Use Country Studies

For all 12 units, there is one Country Study each in the Free, Partly Free and Not Free categories. They offer a basic Summary, a brief History of the country, description of its practice of the Essential Principle and a presentation of Current Issues facing the country. Depending on the time available, any of the Country Studies may be assigned in whole or in part.

While a single Country Study may be assigned students for examining a principle, Democracy Web recommends all three countries in a unit in order to compare, contrast and appreciate the different levels of democratic and anti-democratic behavior in the world. (Alternatively, groups of students may be assigned one each of the three Country Studies and make presentations within the class for common discussion of all three countries.) 

The Free Elections unit again offers good examples.

Poland is the country selected in the Free category. Poland emerged from Soviet-imposed communism in 1989 to develop a free political system holding regular democratic elections. But democratic standards fell after presidential and parliamentary elections in 2015. With a transfer of power in 2023, the country is challenged to return to democratic standards and practices. 

Venezuela, the Partly Free example at the time of Democracy Web’s launch in 2009, went from a functioning democracy to a semi-authoritarian country to now a consolidated dictatorship with an active but repressed political opposition. Its recent elections showed widespread support for the opposition but the authoritarian leader has maintained power by asserting victory.

Azerbaijan, the Not Free example, went through a brief period of liberalization in 1992-93 after declaring its independence from the Soviet Union but then came under rigid authoritarian rule by a dynastic political family. Today, there is little space for political opposition but many still struggle to achieve democracy.

By comparing these countries, one can examine many topics: the different elements that make up free elections; how democracy can be undermined to establish a dictatorship; how elections may be stolen; how democratic movements try to achieve freedom from authoritarian rule through elections; and how these issues may relate to the political conditions of the United States. (See, for example, suggested Study Questions and Activities.) 

Each of the 12 Study Units is similar in this regard. Through an individual unit, several units or all together, teachers may use Democracy Web to give their students a deep understanding of democracy and authoritarianism around the world. Students may also critically analyze how well democracy is functioning (or not functioning) in the United States and what role they may play as active citizens to foster and improve it.

Study Questions, Activities and Resources

Each of the 12 study-guide units is accompanied by a list of suggested Study Questions and Activities. These may be used to structure a class review of the material in each unit, to offer supplements to other discussion questions or to give assignments. Neither the units themselves, nor the questions and class activities, are simplified. This is intentional. It is hoped that the users of this study guide will be challenged by its materials and ideas.

Of course, the units do not provide a complete examination of democracy’s principles and practices. As with all resources, each of the topics deserves further examination. To assist teachers and students, a Resource section is offered for the Essential Principle, History and Country Studies to encourage further study of the topic or country. They may also form the basis for classroom discussion, essay assignments or research projects.

To the degree possible, we have added accessibility features (such as for photos). We also hope to develop more resources (such as video links, interactive features, and model lesson plans) over time.

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Democracy Web is not a curriculum but a supplemental classroom resource — a study guide for teachers and students to use in different ways to aid in instruction for their civics and history classes. Above all, Democracy Web is intended to offer teachers a unique way to foster or expand upon their students' understanding of democracy. We hope that teachers will find it to be a useful resource that is adaptable to a wide range of class levels, student abilities, and school constraints.

Democracy Web is interested in teacher feedback. To send suggestions or examples of how it has been used in the classroom, please contact us.