We Demand Voting Rights March. Photo by Unseen Histories on Unsplash

Free, Fair, & Regular Elections

Free, Fair, & Regular Elections: Resources


Essential Principles and History


Levitsky, Steven and Daniel Ziblatt
How Democracies Die (2018) New York: Crown Publishers.

Madison, James
Federalist Papers No. 10No. 47, and No. 51, Dec. 1788 (National Archives).

Other Resources

The Avalon Project

Brennan Center for Justice

Diamond, Larry
The Long Struggle for Voting Rights,” The American Interest, June 9, 2020.

Douglass, Frederick
An Appeal to Congress for Impartial Suffrage,” The Atlantic, January 1867.

Hassan, Richard
The U.S. Lacks What Every Democracy Needs,” The New York Times, January 16, 2024.

Levitsky, Steven and Daniel Ziblatt
The Crisis of American Democracy,” American Educator, Fall 2020. (PDF).

Lewis, John
Together, You Can Redeem the Soul of the Nation,” and “Why We Published John Lewis’s Essay” by Kathleen Kingsley, The New York Times, July 30, 2020.

The New York Times

The Washington Post

Thornton, Laura 
America’s Anti-Democratic Spectacle,” The Hill (December 19, 2022)

United States Congress
Select Committee to Investigate January 6 Attack on the US Capitol Report (December 22, 2022).

United States Department of Justice
United States v. Donald Trump (in the matter of January 6, 2023).

United Nations 
Universal Declaration of Human Rights


Economist magazine: Topics: Poland.

The New York Times: World Topics: Poland. See, for example,

Ash, Timothy Garton
The Polish Revolution. 3rd ed. (2002). New Haven: Yale University Press.

Freedom in the World 2024 Poland Country Report.

Human Rights Watch 2024 Poland Country Report

Other Resources

Foreign Affairs

Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty
Solidarity: The Trade Union That Changed the World” (August 25, 2005).

Just Security
Poland’s Judicial Reforms Fall Short of EU Expectations” (October 4, 2022).

U.S. Department of State Human Rights Country Reports (go to current year Country Reports on Human Rights Practices and scroll down to Europe and Eurasia/Poland).


Economist magazine: Topics Index: Venezuela.

The New York Times: World Topics: Venezuela.

Freedom in the World 2024 Venezuela Country Report.

Human Rights Watch 2024 Venezuela Country Report.

Other Resources

International Crisis Group/Venezuela.

Organization of American States

The Washington Post.
Venezuela on the Brink of Complete Economic Collapse” (Jan. 29, 2016).

U.S. Department of State Human Rights Country Reports (go to current year Country Reports on Human Rights Practices and scroll down to Western Hemisphere/Venezuela).


Economist magazine: Topics Index: Azerbaijan.

The New York Times: World Topics: Azerbaijan.

Freedom in the World 2024 Azerbaijan Country Report.

Helsinki Watch 2024 Azerbaijan Country Report.

Other Resources

The Guardian  
Plush Hotels and Caviar Diplomacy: How Azerbaijan Elite Woo MPs” (Nov. 23, 2013).

Institute for Democracy in Eastern Europe  
Observer Mission to October 3, 2003 Presidential Elections”.

U.S. Department of State Human Rights Country Reports (go to current year Country Reports on Human Rights Practices and scroll down to Europe and Eurasia/Azerbaijan).

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